- Crowns
- Veneers
- Crowns & Veneers
- Dental Implants
- All-Ceramic Crowns
- Bonding
- Six Month Braces
- Veneers & Whitening
- Full Mouth Rehabilitation
- Implant Retained Denture
- Bridges, Crowns & Precision Partials
- Metal-Free Partial Denture
- Crowns, Root Canals & Gum Surgery
- Crowns & Implants
- Gum Surgery & Crowns
- Partial Dentures
This patient had twenty eight crowns placed.
This patient had ten crowns on their upper front teeth.
This patient had four upper front crowns replaced. Crowns were also placed on both upper canine teeth to round off the smile.
This patient had a three part bridge and five veneers placed on her upper front teeth.
Michelle had a history of severe staining, heavy grinding of teeth, and old bonding that was chipping. We fabricated 10 all-ceramic crowns for her upper teeth. We then fabricated a nightguard for her to wear to protect her teeth from her grinding habit.
Anya had ‘bonding’ done over and over again for 10 years. She reported that it was constantly getting stained, and keeping her from smiling, as she was becoming very conscious of her discolored teeth. We combined the use of 2 veneers, and 2 all-ceramic crowns to give her a beautiful new smile.
Tim spent 30 years with ‘spaces’ in his smile. He made an appointment on a Thursday stating he was planning to attend a high school class reunion two days later, and didn’t want to go without correcting his smile. In less that an hour, we had placed white filling material, commonly known as ‘bonding’, on two of his ‘crooked’ teeth. We also reshaped the uneven teeth in his smile with simple enameloplasty (technical for ‘filed them down slightly’). Bonding typically lasts 3-7 years before needing replacement.
Carly was unhappy with the color and shape of her teeth. She had completed bonding years ago, and it had begun to discolor. We placed four all-ceramic veneers and whitened her remaining teeth.
Mrs. Palazzo had older crowns that had served her well for many years. She was unhappy with the ‘dark lines at the gum’ and the color of her teeth. We sedated Mrs. Palazzo and prepared all of her top teeth for new porcelain crowns. ‘I never knew how much this would improve the way I feel about myself-” were her comments at her last check-up.
Longevity: 10+ years.
JoAnne had severe wear on her old denture. The gum had begun to change color, the denture was very loose, and her bottom remaining teeth were severely decayed and worn. A new upper denture was fabricated, and a new ‘over denture’ made. Two of the lower teeth were treated with root canals and ‘ball joints’ were placed to ‘lock’ the lower denture into place while in use. In addition, we placed two implants in her lower jaw to help stabilize and hold the denture. Dentures can be some of the most beautiful of dental restorations.
Charles had a history of HEAVY tooth clenching, and multiple lost teeth as a youth. His bite was off, and he was having problems wearing his partial dentures. We Completed what is known in dentistry as a ‘Full Mouth Rehab’, correcting his bite, replacing his teeth, and improving his ability to function dramatically. This involved multiple Crowns, Multiple bridges, and a bite splint, to help him get used to a new bite.
Cheryl was unhappy with her smile. She was in the process of a rigorous ‘total health makeover’, including fitness, diet and spirit. We fabricated a metal free, removable partial denture for her. She could not be happier with her new smile.